Fits a curve using the Rezende model for fitting thermal performance curves
Fits a curve using the Rezende model (Rezende et al. 2019):
y = \begin{cases}
a \cdot 10^{\frac{\log_{10}(q_{10})}{\frac{10}{x}}}, & \text{if } x < x_{\text{opt}} \\
a \cdot 10^{\frac{\log_{10}(q_{10})}{\frac{10}{x}}} \cdot (1 - b \cdot (x_{\text{opt}} - x)^2), & \text{otherwise}
Optimal values for a
(rate shift parameter), b
(decline rate parameter), and q_10 are estimated based on provided arguments.
Rezende, Enrico L., and Francisco Bozinovic. Thermal performance across levels of biological organization. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374.1778 (2019): 20180549.