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A pest object defining the life history for green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). Can be used to run the endosymbiont model on GPA.

bg_loss derived from Barton et al. 2021
alate_penalty derived from Barton et al. 2021
apterae_walk Placeholder
alate_flight Placeholder
fun_dev_apt fitted using fit_wang with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_dev_ala fitted using fit_wang with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_imi_neg fitted using fit_imi_barton to describe constant immigration of 50 adults from background population
fun_imi_pos fitted using fit_null to describe no new introductions of R+ adult
fun_emi fitted using fit_emi_thack to describe a constant emigration rate based on Thackray et al. 2004
fun_temp_loss fitted using fit_supergaus with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_rainfall_loss fitted using fit_rainfall_thack with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_sen_loss fitted using fit_gompertz with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_dens_fecund fitted using fit_bannerman with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_temp_fecund fitted using fit_quadratic with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_age_fecund fitted using fit_weibull with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_alate_prod fitted using fit_alate with parameters from Barton et al. 2021
fun_damage fitted using fit_null to be fixed to zero (no direct feeding damage)




An object of class pest; see pest.


Barton, M., Parry, H., Ward, S., Hoffmann, A.A., Umina, P.A., van Helden, M., Macfadyen, S. Forecasting impacts of biological control under future climates: mechanistic modelling of an aphid pest and a parasitic wasp. Ecological Modelling, 457, 109679 (2021)

Thackray, D.J., Diggle, A.J., Berlandier, F.A., Jones, R.A.C., Forecasting aphid outbreaks and epidemics of Cucumber mosaic virus in lupin crops in a Mediterranean-type environment. Virus Research, 100, 67-82 (2004)